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1. Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDP):
EDPs are aimed to motivate and guide the entrepreneurs for setting up of Small Scale Industry/Business. The course provides basic information on products, market and management related inputs for starting the SSI units. 

2. Management Development Programmes (MDP):
These courses are designed suitably to induce managerial skills to existing and prospective entrepreneurs. The courses are Financial Management, Materials Management, Marketing Management, Production Management, Industrial Management, Quality Management, Personnel Management,  Total Cost Management, Productivity Improvement Techniques, Export Management, Marketing through Internet, etc. 

EDP & MDP course details and application form: click here

3. Demonstration Programmes: 
Conducting practical demonstration-cum-training on Saratov-23 and Synthetic Leather Items. 

Products demonstrated: click here

Skill Development Programmes (SDP):
The SDPs are organized to improve the technical skills of the artisans/workers of SSI Units. Scientific Glass Blowing, Machine Shop Practice, Carpentry, General Engineering, Rexine & Leather Goods Manufacture, Motor Rewinding & Transformer Winding etc are the courses.

5. Specialised Courses:
Specialized Courses are organized on current topics like Exports & Imports, ISO-9000, WTO, Bar Coding, E-Commerce, Internet, etc for the benefit of SSI Entrepreneurs.

6. Motivation Campaigns:
Motivation Campaigns are organized with an objective to encourage the first generation entrepreneurs for setting up of SSI in a particular region.

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